“Then he said to them, ‘Go your way, eat the fat and drink sweet wine and send portions of them to those for whom nothing is prepared, for this day is holy to our Lord. and do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.'”

Nehemiah 8:10 (NRSV)

Everyone knows the song. You know, the one about celebrating good times by Kool and the Gang. If you’ve been to a party since the 1980’s you’ve probably heard that song many times. It’s a song about celebrating the good times and laughing together. I was reading the book of Nehemiah, and this passage struck me as an interesting directive to go and have a good time. We can all use more of that right now, right?

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The people had just returned from captivity in Babylon to their beloved city of Jerusalem. They rebuilt the walls of the city and worked to rebuild their homes and get back to renewing the traditions and practices that were pleasing to God. Things were looking up. They had suffered much over many years, and, finally, they were back home. They gathered with Nehemiah and Ezra and other leaders and listened as the Word of God was read to them. Overcome with emotion, they wept. They had been through so much! But Nehemiah told them to return to their homes, Enjoy the fruits of their labors. Celebrate this occasion, this new beginning. But, he reminds them, don’t forget those who may not have what you have. Make sure they can celebrate, too.

My favorite part? Nehemiah says, don’t grieve, the joy of the Lord is your strength. I thought about that, and to me, it means that it is okay to celebrate the good times as long as you remember where all your riches and successes come from. Knowing that it is God who provides the things, opportunities, situations, that give us reason to celebrate, makes our joy more complete. We can let go of past mistakes and move forward with a loving God who offers Grace upon Grace. Because we remember that we achieve great things only through God’s loving direction, we don’t just have strength, we actually GAIN strength from God’s joy in our achievements. God is joyous with us! We are God’s beloved children. God will always be there for us. God will always provide. That knowledge is powerful and upholds us in tumultuous times. Let’s celebrate that today!


Dear Lord, thank you for opportunities to celebrate the happy events of life. Help me to remember to provide for those who don’t have what I have so they can celebrate, too. My strength comes from your joy. Amen